Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills Discovered

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills Discovered

A Photography Exhibition 6 – 12 November 2023.

Drinks with the artist:

Wednesday 8th November 6-8pm

Trevor Reeves Bio

I arrived in Sydney in 1972 from the UK and almost never stopped moving since.

Sydney, Brisbane, Western Australia, Cairns, Brisbane, Nairobi (Kenya), Sydney. Also trips to SE Asia, the USA, Mexico, Africa and Central America.

My photography began with childhood images of family and trains in the UK. Middle age and an IT career consisted of family snapshots. Then newly single-again photos of my cycling trip from Lisbon to Calais in my 50s. I used my first digital camera which fit snugly into my handlebar bag.

Fast forward: I decided, in early 2022, that I wanted to improve my photography. I read a lot about photography and practiced more.

I discovered Surry Hills in 2023 and the exhibited images are the result of 5-6 walks I took through this suburb.


Trevor Reeves - Surry Hills Discovered - Tap Gallery

Trevor Reeves - Surry Hills Discovered - Tap Gallery

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills discovered

<-- Revisions: 11/9/23: Published -- admin; 12/9/23: SEO, Excerpt --M.T.; 5/11/23: feature-image, html fix --M.T.; 5/10/23: Date change --L.D., M.T.; 6/10/23: Social images/texts --MT -->