Nudes on Tap 2024 – Photography


Nudes on TAP


Nudes on Tap 2024 - Photography - main logo - Tap Gallery


HeadOn logo - large

Nudes on TAP is a non-acquisitive Australian group exhibition for artistic nude photography. It has been held at TAP Gallery every year since 2004. This year the exhibition will be held from 18th November to 30th November 2024.The purpose of the exhibition is to provide photographers, who create in the genre of artistic nude, an affordable means in which their art works can be displayed to the public in a gallery setting.The intent of Nudes on TAP is to foster and grow a unique art photography community. To assist individual photographers grow professionally and further increase their potential.The end state that Nudes on TAP seeks to achieve is the growth of photographers and models in this particular genre of photography. As well during the Head On Photo Festival that the public can view the exhibition and appreciate the art worthiness and creativity of the artistic nude photography on display.

Exhibition submission process

Awards and prizes

Nudes on Tap 2024 - photography - small logo - Tap Gallery
HeadOn logo - small

Nudes on TAP is a group exhibition open to all Australian photographers. It is an opportunity to have your artwork exhibited during a major photography festival in Sydney.Submissions are sought of art nude photography of any person over the age of 18 years at the time the image was created.Photographers are responsible for ensuring that consent of any person portrayed in the image has been obtained for it to be exhibited in a public gallery. Nudes on TAP 2024 is part of the Open Program of the Head On Photo Festival in Sydney. In order to meet the standards and expectations of the Head On Foundation submissions from photographers will undergo a selection and curation process by the panel of five Nudes on TAP 2024 judges.

Photographers may submit up to six digital images that they would like to exhibit in Nudes on TAP. For further details on how to submit your images for selection to be exhibited contact the Event Manager – Paul Wesley  through the Contact Page of this website. 

Deadline for submissions is 11th October 2024.


Judges will make their selections from your submissions and you will be notified on 18th October 2024 of which of your images have been selected. You will be supplied with an entrance form for each image selected.

Exhibition fees are $25 dollars per image. $15 if you are a full-time student. 

These fees will be paid directly to TAP Gallery. Payment details will be included on the form supplied to you.  

If you have not already have had your images framed or mounted you will have 29 days to undertake this. 

Payment fees must be completed and your images delivered or sent to TAP Gallery, 259 Riley Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 no later than 4pm on Sunday 17th November 2024. TAP Gallery is open 12pm to 6pm daily. 

The panel of five judges will decide on the awards of 1st Prize and Monochrome Award.

The Volunteers Award for Emerging Photographer is chosen by the volunteers who set up the exhibition on 17th November 2024.

The Peoples Choice Award is made by those attending the Awards Night of Saturday 23rd November 2024.  



ION Magazine logoPhotoShop Studio logoThe Masterpiece poster -sponsorLa Nu Agency logoArt of Light logo



Main poster - Nudes on Tap 2024 - Tap Gallery
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .

Nudes on Tap 2024 – Photography

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