Nudes on Tap 2023 Tap Gallery

NUDES ON TAP 23 in conjunction with Head On Photo Festival. Presentations 25th November, 4-7pm

Nudes on Tap 2023

Nudes on Tap 2023 - Tap Gallery

In association with HeadOn.

The Exhibition will run from Monday, 20th November to Sunday, 3rd December 2023. During the presentation night on Saturday, 25th November 2023, winners of the following prizes will be announced:

About Tap Gallery

The Artist’s Paradise (TAP Gallery) is a non-profit, non-curatorial visual arts space in inner-city Sydney for all kinds of artists. TAP’s guiding philosophy and policy is to be inclusive of all. While primarily an art gallery, it also hosts drawing classes, film nights and performances. The gallery is open to the public daily from noon till 6PM.

Media Contact

Stephen Wong
+61 414 915 100

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney – TAP TV
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Nudes on Tap 2023

Frontline Photojournalism Projections: Thirty Years of Human Rights, Environment & Culture by Glenn Lockitch – 25 November 8pm

Frontline Photojournalism Projections – Glen Lockitch

Frontline Photojournalism Projections:

Thirty Years of Human Rights, Environment & Culture

by Glenn Lockitch

A whirlwind thirty-year audio-visual photojournalism journey, traversing the socio-political-environmental cultural landscape, from film to digital, starting at riots at the Berlin Wall in 1989, and travelling through Sydney Peace Squadron anti-war demonstrations on Sydney Harbour, South East NSW Forest Blockades, anti French nuclear testing riots in Tahiti, the impact of mining on indigenous communities and the environment in the Philippines, anti-corporate globalisation protests in Australia, ‘TAXI!’ Sydney taxi night-passengers and their stories, eviction of the Kalahari Bushmen from their ancestral lands, three Sea Shepherd Antarctic anti-whaling campaigns, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, and more. Plus newly edited work including ‘Antarctic Icebergs’ and ‘Sydney in Colour’. All are welcome to attend on 25 November at TAP Gallery 8pm. Entry by donation. Limited seats please book on


Frontline Photojournalism Projections - Glen Lockitch - Tap Gallery

Fall of the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany, 7th October 1989.
© Glenn Lockitch 2015

Frontline Photojournalism Projections - Glen Lockitch - Tap Gallery

Anti-nuclear testing protesters confront the French military on the Papeete Airport runway burning down the airport and sparking off days of rioting, Tahiti, 1995.
© Glenn Lockitch 2012

Frontline Photojournalism Projections - Glen Lockitch - Tap Gallery

© Glenn Lockitch 2016

Frontline Photojournalism Projections - Glen Lockitch - Tap Gallery

Moment of impact. The Japanese harpoon ship, the Yushin Maru 3 (right), tries to shake off the anti-whaling Sea Shepherd ship, the Bob Barker (left), from the Japanese factory ship the Nisshin Maru’s tail (background), ramming the Bob Barker and tearing a one-metre gash in its hull, and damaging itself in the process. Southern Ocean, Antarctica 2010.
In the name of ‘research’, using a loophole in the International Whaling Convention, Japanese whalers set a yearly quota of 1,035 whales to kill in the Antarctic waters, many in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary. No academically respected, internationally peer reviewed scientific research papers have been published by the whalers. The multinational, anti-whaling, direct-action, marine conservation organisation Sea Shepherd sailed yearly to Antarctica until 2017 (the last of three Antarctic campaigns I photographed), to physically obstruct and stop the Japanese whaling slaughter. Japan ceased its whaling operations in the Antarctic, repeatedly blaming Sea Shepherd for its whale quota loss. Sea Shepherd, since 2002 when the organisation started obstructing the Japanese Antarctic whaling operations, directly helped save the lives of over 6,000 whales.

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Frontline Photojournalism Projections – Glen Lockitch

Larrikin – A Photo Exhibition by Jennifer Forward-Hayter. Opening drinks Tuesday 14th November 6-9pm

Larrikin – Photos by Jennifer Forward-Hayter

Larrikin Photos by Jennifer Forward-Hayter

LARRIKIN – photos by Jennifer Forward-Hayter

In association with HeadOn Festival.

!4th-18th November 12-6pm
Sun 19th November 12-4pm.

Opens Tue 14th November 6-9 pm.
Drinks by Young Henrrys.

Jennifer will be interviewed during
The Chaser Report Live and Arty
on 17th November at Tap.

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Larrikin – Photos by Jennifer Forward-Hayter

The Chaser Report: Live and Arty November 17th at 7pm

The Chaser Report – Live and Arty

The Chaser Report - Live and Arty - Tap Gallery

The Chaser Report Live and Arty

The Chaser Report podcast is recording an episode live in the middle of TAP gallery on Friday 17th November, 2023 at 7pm.

This very arty and exclusive event is to celebrate a photo art exhibition of the work of British photographer Jennifer Forward-Hayter, which included capturing the behind-the-scenes magic and mystery of The Chaser’s creative process during a two-month period last year.

The podcast will be recorded live, and will feature Charles FirthCraig ReucasselGabbi Bolt and Mark Humphries as well as appearances from the Chaser Interns, who actually do all the work.

Together, they will talk about their own interactions with art, and more importantly, discuss how to scam yourself an arts grant through low-level fraud.

Tickets are $30.
Get them here (ticketek).

The recording will last roughly one hour, followed by drinks. Drinks courtesy of Young Henry’s.

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

The Chaser Report – Live and Arty

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills Discovered – A Photography Exhibition 6 – 12 November 2023. Drinks with the artists Wednesday 8th November 6pm

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills Discovered

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills Discovered

A Photography Exhibition 6 – 12 November 2023.

Drinks with the artist:

Wednesday 8th November 6-8pm

Trevor Reeves Bio

I arrived in Sydney in 1972 from the UK and almost never stopped moving since.

Sydney, Brisbane, Western Australia, Cairns, Brisbane, Nairobi (Kenya), Sydney. Also trips to SE Asia, the USA, Mexico, Africa and Central America.

My photography began with childhood images of family and trains in the UK. Middle age and an IT career consisted of family snapshots. Then newly single-again photos of my cycling trip from Lisbon to Calais in my 50s. I used my first digital camera which fit snugly into my handlebar bag.

Fast forward: I decided, in early 2022, that I wanted to improve my photography. I read a lot about photography and practiced more.

I discovered Surry Hills in 2023 and the exhibited images are the result of 5-6 walks I took through this suburb.


Trevor Reeves - Surry Hills Discovered - Tap Gallery

Trevor Reeves - Surry Hills Discovered - Tap Gallery

Trevor Reeves – Surry Hills discovered

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MANYONE – A Photography Exhibition by Brenton Parry 2 – 8 October . Official function Tuesday 3 October 6pm.

Manyone – Photography by Brenton Parry

MANYONE by Brenton Parry

Ten years after my last solo show, I set myself the challenge of exhibiting again, taking a concept that began in lockdown experimenting with an existing shoot and if I could push myself into new areas.

In a blatant play on words the title MANYONE stems from the obvious fact there are many versions of one person in each image. The concept started as a purely visual experiment but as is common for me, I worked out exactly what themes I was exploring somewhere along the way.

Making our way through life we leave impressions on people and one person can leave dozens of different and conflicting impressions, even in the course of one day. MANYONE has become the visual representation of that.

Starting in the studio, I always knew that this series would venture beyond the studio and into natural light outdoors. Later in the process I decided that some of my models and I would also have to venture underwater.

About Brenton Parry

 Photography is a passion instilled by my father who gifted me a camera identical to his own when I was in high school. Increasingly over the years since my photography has become more and more of a passion. As a teenager my forays into photography always tended towards portraits and people. In my mid twenties this evolved to focus on male figure photography. This has resulted in two previous solo gallery exhibitions, a third series launched on twitter and three group exhibitions.

In 2016 photographed 100 portraits of nude LGBTIQ people to be shared with their #barenakedtruth stories. These images were then chosen to become the face of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras for 2017 and the lead float in the parade.


Manyone - Photography by Brenton Parry - Tap Gallery

Manyone - Photography by Brenton Parry - Tap Gallery

Manyone - Photography by Brenton Parry - Tap Gallery

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Manyone – Photography by Brenton Parry