Danielle Joy Golding
“On the symmetry of her psyche, and some other works”
Introducing a collection of works in the same format, all being 60 cms by 90cms, on plywood, painted in oil and varnished, a major theme and a few others but basically of different individual models with different compositions, presented as the same theme, “models “.
That vary in colour and schematic placement, moving from a consumerism and accessibility of models to an interpreted aesthetics , an artistic observation. The models are themselves painted realistically, are cued with varying colours and backgrounds and background Inclusions, a series all of beauty and aesthetics, and maybe a narrative involved in the story , the story included within the paintings , i.e. and we ask, Where is the model ? Or what is she doing? Changing in an inspiring way of human frailty and delicacy, to be appreciated again, the scene of and story of them, leaving the viewer perhaps with a glimpse of beauty. Seen through the eyes of an artist, a glimpse of female human aesthetics, of consumerism and the model and the industry/ market, where the model has been appraised and rehumanised, and her aesthetics are looked at, valued ,to be appreciated. Hope, to the barrenness of lifelessness , of ourselves , which we ask, And is beauty as humorous as it is rare? As we appreciate here, the examples of aesthetics .
The others here in the exhibition are paintings of the 2020 Bushfires, the movement of the flames, of bushfires early this year, and some Redly Caped Extinction Rebels /Activists and a landscape and another miscellaneous, mysterious work of a strange characteress indeed.
A fastly completed body of work, done during the Covid 19 crises of 2020 during social restriction and social distancing and even lockdown, showing some angst and anguish from us all during the time.
Danielle Joy Golding
Curriculum vitae for artist Danielle Joy Golding (b. 1971)
Current 2020 “drawings by Danielle joy golding “ wayside chapel kings cross april
2019, tap gallery “portraits of the dispreviledged “pencil, acrylic and oil on canvas and panels. 2018 insideout gallery “lightening strikes wild horses“
2017 insideout gallery “retrospective“
2015 insideout gallery “self portrait“
2012 insideout gallery “femina spiritus “with kevin meagher
2012 callan park Gallery SCA , “danielle joy golding“
2009 chapel by the sea gallery “roses and nudes“
2008 chapel by the sea gallery , “gays and magazines“
group exhibitions
2018 degree show at uni sca
2016 degree group show at st george tafe, “the twelth hour“ various, wwas ,waverly library, wayside bondi, etc.
Education :
ter result randwick nth NAS certificate in fine arts 1997, ultimo tafe computer course, st george tafe diploma of visual arts 2013, st george tafe 2015, advanced diploma of visual arts, sydney uni bachelor of visual arts, 2016 –2018, course ‘business for creatives’ Ozanam learning centre 2019.
awards :
shortlisted for fischer’s ghost art prize, shortlisted for rex livingston’s art prize 2014, highly commended for womens art prize 2015, highly commended for pra another door opens art competition, 2018 the alan hearn encouragement award for the dorothy parker portrait prize, 2019 encouragment award for another door opens.
Details :
instagram- www.instagram.com/daniellejoygolding
website- daniellejoygolding.wixsite.com/artistry
email- daniellejoygolding@live.com.au>email
phone- 0403673223