Katie Lambert 19 – 25 September. Official function Friday 23rd September 6pm. Creative Artist Soirée, a night of Music, Comedy, Drag King performances and more …

Katie Lambert Tap Gallery

Katie Lambert - Tap Gallery

Katie Lambert 19 – 25 September

Artist reception on Friday the 23rd at 6pm
The reception, a Creative Artist Soirée, a night of Music, Comedy, Drag King performances and more …
Katie Lambert will be having a  solo art show “In Vibrant Colour” at the TAP Gallery, Level 1 259 Riley Street, Surry Hills. This exhibit will be a retrospective of her art work that is vibrant, conceptual acrylic paintings of landscapes, animals and more.
The art of Katie Lambert is a bold expression of energy, emotion and colour. Through her paintings she creates glimpses of nature that capture snap-shots of energy‚ which express the aesthetic feelings that nature can inspire. Katie often uses bright‚ vivid un-mixed colours that invite the viewer’s attention‚ evoking their own personal emotions, feelings and perspectives.



Tap 33 Birthday Group Show



Exhibition July 4 – 17 2022

Deliver works by Monday, 4th July – $25 / Artwork

All mediums accepted * Come celebrate with us!




Saturday 9 July  6 – 10 PM

Tap Gallery, Level 1, 259 Riley St Surry Hills 2010

tapgallery.org.au/ * Tel:0400610440

elana leigh – behind the door – a story of being raised by two mothers

elena leigh – behind the door

behind the door – a story of being raised by two mothers

elana leigh – 20th – 27th june 2022

official function 6pm-8pm thursday 23rd june 2022

artist’s talk – saturday 25th june – 2 pm

Elena Leigh - Behind the Door

Elana, the youngest of three children, was born into apartheid South Africa in June 1958. Being born to a White Jewish family and placed in the hands of a quiet, loving, and spiritual Coloured woman laid the foundation for the central narrative of her life.

Birthed by one mother and raised by two, whilst a common theme in South Africa is not one where the long-term effects have been processed. A multilayered and complex relational template to live with, the narrative from its inception opens the pathway to guilt, confusion, duality, and a life where polarities and binary thinking informs most choices and states of being.

In this exhibition the artist is using objects, images, and stories from both mothers as an expression of her longing to integrate and make sense of the intolerable juxtapositions which informed her life.

Official Opening 6pm-8pm Thursday 23rd June 2022-TAP Gallery
1/259 Riley St, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia 2010

Tap Gallery Pride Award 2022

PRIDE ART AWARD Saturday 11th June 5pm.

Tap Gallery Pride Art Tap Gallery Pride Art Award
Tap Gallery Pride Art AwardBe Brave, Be Strong, Be You.

The Sydney Pride Festival 2022 “Be Brave, Be Strong, Be You.” will launch at Stonewall Hotel on Thursday 2nd June. Sydney Pride Festival will run from the 2nd June until the 30th June 2022

This year Sydney Pride Festival is about empowering each other “Be Brave, Be Strong, Be You!” will focus on being your authentic self and finding pride. Through the love of family, friends and our community standing with us and supporting us we shine, flourish and find our truth. Equality, Visibility and the opportunity for all of us to move forward together as we create a better future.

Sydney Pride Winter festival will remember the Riots of 1969 at the Stonewall Inn Greenwich Village. The Heroes that lead the way and fought for our rights over 50 years ago.  The beginning of the modern gay movement and the inspiration to the 78er’s who paved the way in Sydney. The LGBTQI community are all under one fabulous Umbrella and together we continue to create change and acceptance. Homosexuality is no longer illegal in Australia. Marriage Equality has been achieved and our community has shown that the Riots of 1969 will always be remembered as the beginning of the Pride Movement.

Sydney Pride Festival is a grass roots festival and a time to pass on the history and raise awareness and education of our LGBTQI Charities and organizations. This year we will be putting a focus on the strength of our Community and remember our pursuit for acceptance and total Equality for all our LGBTQI people. Sydney Pride can reach out and help those struggling with Sexual identity, bullying, drugs or just feeling that life is too hard to stand strong and ask for help. Standing Together in Solidarity. This is Pride! Be Brave, Be Strong and Be You. We stand together with love and Solidarity.

Sydney Pride Festival is a not for profit event and supports a wide range of LGBTQI Charities, Organizations and businesses. This Sydney Pride festival will include events throughout Sydney that are fun and affordable for everyone. The events will raise much needed funds for Charity and showcase our community, our struggles and our achievements.

Last year the Sydney pride Festival contained over 100 events. The festival will feature Art, Cinema, Trivia, Debates, Sports, Stories and entertainment available on our Love stream. The Sydney Pride Festival would like to thank the volunteers, event organizers, sponsors and LGBTQI community and all our friends for all their continued support.




DELIVER WORK BY Monday 6th June 12-6pm

Artwork: Carmen by Joe Prestia