Calling all artists not selected for the ARCHIBALD, WYNNE & SULMAN – you are invited to submit your work for THE 22ND REAL REFUSES! Presentations Sat 26 May 5pm

Real Refuses:
Saturday 26 May marks the 22nd Anniversary of Australia’s largest Art “non” Event – Real Refuses – where artists not selected for the ARCHIBALD, WYNNE, SULMAN, and DOUG MORAN Art Prizes exhibit their work at TAP Gallery in Darlinghurst to win the popular “People’s Choice Award”, selected by the public on the night.
Real Refuses has become firmly established as part of the “Archibald Season”.
While it is an exhibition of rejected artwork, it is much more than that…
It is about giving a fair go to all the artists involved in Australia’s largest art events.
Not everyone can win an Archibald but here everyone can exhibit along side their peers. (You’ll find past winners of Australia’s biggest art prizes here as well!)
In the past an extraordinary range of subjects have been shown, from musicians, actors, politicians including the NSW Premier, Mayor of Willoughby, Anthony Mundeen, Tony Abbott, Leo Sawyer, the then Prime Minister John Howard, Madame Lash, Elizabeth Cummings, Professor Bruce James Brew, and Jaiwei, (a winner of the Sulman.)
We can’t wait to see the works not selected this year!
TAP GALLERY, 259 Riley St Surry Hills (please note we have moved)
GALA OPENING: Saturday 26 May 5-8pm 2018
(includes the “People’s Choice Award”)
Prizes to be won!
ON VIEW 20 JULY – 17 AUGUST, 12-6pm Daily
CONTACT: Lesley Dimmick, TAP GALLERY on 02 9361 0440.